Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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The word “mother” has been universally interpreted as love and care. Mothers have been our primary model for good values, to give comfort, love, and care for others. But, what if the primary model itself is involved with cybersex, the modernized prostitution? What could be the lurking urges behind their comforting façade?
Cybersex, which is any form of sexual expression accessed through the computer or the internet, is now a major industry. Many people allow themselves to engage in sexual behaviors online (cybersex with adolescents or children, presenting themselves as persons of the opposite gender, etc.) which they would never do in the real world.
This study sought to determine the self-esteem, self-concept, social behavior, and the motivational factors of the cybersex users (mothers) which would serve as a determining agent with end view of proposing a program for self-reporting Internet or cybersex user.
The researcher utilized the qualitative research method. Its goal was to understand the behavior of the self-reporting internet or cybersex users, to elucidate the fact or situation that is observed to exist from their frame of mind, and to understand the meaning of people from their venture.
Based on the data gathered, the researcher has come up with the following findings:
The profile of the selected Mothers online: The three respondents are from different locations. They were all Roman Catholic. Their highest educational attainment was high school level. Most of them came from a dysfunctional, unhappy type of family. They all dreamed of having a meaningful and better relationship in the future. The respondents were all having financial problems. That is the reason they entered the realm of cybersex. Most of the respondents began their complicity through a common friend who convinced them to come into cybersex.
The Alternative Livelihood Program is a more effective way on helping the respondents have other options and find sources of income. They will be given workshops and seminars in order for them to realize and understand the importance of having a decent job and to overcome those past experiences that pushed the subjects to engage in self-reporting internet.
The proposed Alternative Livelihood Program provides the participants with an outlet to choose whether to stay in their profession or to find other ways and means for earning money.
The proposed program is composed of 3 modules involving seminars, training, and workshops. The first module consists of seminars and training. The second module includes the workshops and the activities. The third module consists of a seminar. Each module is good for one day.
The Alternative Livelihood Program
Module 1: Seminar on Self-Realization
Module 2: Workshops (Work of Our Hands)
Module 3: Family Therapy
The main sources that led the mothers to practice cybersex were their unhealthy childhood experiences, peer pressure, lack of parental guidance, family disintegration, poverty, lack of proper education, and lack of moral or spiritual guidance.
Taking aside the negativity of the act, there were bearable reasons for the respondents to commit such an act such as survival and security, which are highly-coveted in this fast-paced and seemingly cruel world.
Amidst the immoral condition the respondents are involved in, they still desired a job, one that is upright and sufficient so they can decently provide for the needs of their family.
- The selected mothers who engage in cybersex should undergo the proposed program for them to assess their present job and consider better alternatives to it.
- A government agency should pay attention on this pressing issue and do some extensive measures that would lessen, if not wipe out, the number of cybersex practitioners.